Tangled Up in Blue
This blog post is about a Bob Dylan song and one of my past lives. Now if you are not aware of people who remember their past lives, it does exist. There are psychologist who study and write books about it with evidence. Those of us who have these memories are often tangled up in blue. Blue means sadness or depression. Therefore, we study history, we learn history, we lived in the past. Thus we are tangled up in history also and do not want to see it being repeated.
About the history of the song
The track was initially recorded in September 1974, but later re-recorded on 30 December. It is the opening track of his 15th studio album Blood on the Tracks released in January 20, 1975. Dylan had taken art classes at Carnegie Hall and was influenced by his tutor Norman Raeben, and in particular Raeben’s view of time, when writing the lyrics to this song. In a way this song is like a painting about loss with lyrics and music. I did not hear the song in 1975. I would hear it many years later on the radio when the DJ’s were free to play what they wanted to play. As this song is longer then the normal play time format radio allows on air. When have you ever heard the full play of Alice’s Restaurant at 18:34?

Why it hit home with me
When I heard the song was in the 1990’s it hit home for me as I was sad. Let’s just say I was in depressing circumstances. I remembered as a child I had a history of asking my mother questions she could not answer. At five I asked my mother two questions. Not on the same time or day. The first question in 1954 was have they found Hitler? In 1954 nothing was known about what happened to Hitler. About a year later, I ask have they found Atlantis yet? Not exactly the questions you expect from a four or five year old. These were past life memories showing up and often seen in children.
Several lines in the song hit home with me:
“We’ll meet again someday
on the avenue”
Tangled up in blue
“But all the while I was alone
The past was close behind”
There was music in the cafés at night
And revolution in the air
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keeping on
Like a bird that flew
Tangled up in blue.
Back to the 1990’s
In the 1990’s, I was having interesting dreams. Due to not being happy, I went to a counselor. He used hypnosis as part of his practice. He regressed me back to some of my past lives. In some of these lives I brought back details that I could not have known in my current life and education. So why am I writing this today. Well one of the first lives I went back to was in the 1700’s in France. When I went into the memory, I was wearing a yellow dress much like this one. I was happy, I was getting married to some one I loved.
Lost Loves
We grew grapes made and sold wine in the Rhone region of France. Later he would be killed by an unknown person. Later, I saw the revolution in Paris. Down with the king and Nobles. Off with their heads! I found my husband’s killer, a jealous and greedy local noble. He was poisoned by his wife.

This was not the only past life I explored. However, the evil noble who killed my beloved husband helped me support the revolution when the time came.
Why I am writing this
Consequently, this began my journey to dislike authoritarian type people along with my last lives. It also is a warning to the future. We revolted and took out a King who was a bit of a dullard and used as a tool by those around him. I see the same signs in the blue skies now. With the assassination of a modern day greedy noble type, revolution is in the air again. We also have a bunch of greedy types fighting over the control of our country with the best government money can buy! We need to change this in my opinion.
History tells us the French revolution back fired. We got Napoleon, a King, a republic, another Napoleon, several more republics, an invasion, and now another republic. Not exactly a good record. We also have a dictator who is using his knowledge in an attempt to control the planet. As an American, I have a history of ancestors who left Europe to be free. My question gentle readers are we still free? Since 9/11/2001 we have had restrictions placed on our travel. Our truth in information was corrupted several times. Are we tangled up in blue still? Read history, learn and think!
Post Dedications
I always like to dedicate my posts. First to Bob Dylan, for your songs. Second, to those counselors and doctors who helped get me thru a rough time and my explorations of who I was. For the brave writers documenting the dark triad. Lastly, to Marie Diane may you rest in peace among the vineyards in France. This is a reason I attempt to grow wine grapes. Those days in the vineyard and wine cellar making wine were happy times. I do feel a bit of anxiety writing this as it discloses memories of a difficult time in my life. Perhaps I will write a novel about these times. Will put that on my project list.