Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Goons – Pure and Simple

In previous posts I have written about minions.  This post is about goons.  Goons pure and simple are the worst minions who follow their fearless leader.  I will repeat again Goons are the worst kind of minions.  This post will be illustrated with a few cartoons to take the tension out.  This post will cover several topics about goons.

First discussed, will be the Hollywood use of goons.  They are a trope used as part of the “hero’s journey” in story telling, books, novels, science fiction and movies.  Joseph Campbell traces the inspiration for his recognition of the hero’s journey to German ethnologist and archaeologist Leo Frobenius, whose 1904 Das Zeitalter des Sonnengottes (The Age of the Sun God) pointed to a motif of descent into the underworld (“going into the belly of the whale and coming out again”) that appears in myths of many cultures.  Furthermore, this post will be discussing real life goons.  How they are made by use of psychology and how to fight them.  

Goons - Pure and Simple
Thank you Dreamworks for these goons!

What makes a Goon?

A goon starts as pliable minion. They are not the smartest and often have a narrow focused set of feeling.  Goons are either working for the greater good, the fearless leader’s dreams, or their own ambitions.  Thus they are stupid even if they have a good IQ.  They get skewed by the misinformation they are given.  They admire the fearless leader.  Many love violence, humiliating others so they feel superior to fearless leaders victims as they beat them up.


Goons - Pure and Simple
Goons love marching and carrying weapons. They want to look powerful. They are out to beat down and humiliate others. That gives them joy!

What Goons enjoy!

Goons like to show their power.  Marching – showing weapons – making a statement – knowing how to hack computers.  Hurting people brings them joy!

This is the Patriot Front. They are want-2-be goons. Note the covered face masks and uniforms. They are part of a cult.

About Fearless leader

Goons love their fearless leader.  They see themselves as working for the “greater good” or for the fearless leaders wishes.  There is no greater good, if you hurt other people.  Therefore, the fearless leader has duped them and made them followers of his cult!  This is what authoritarian rulers do.  They need their goon squads.   Without their goon squads they are powerless.  They often run away and/or kill themselves when their goons are gone.  We saw Bashar al-Assad flee to Russia for the protection of the “Big Bad fearless leader” also known at Vlad Putin.

The fearless Leader – 100 times out of 100 he is an authoritarian strong man image.

The Big Bad and his Squads

In very good Hollywood shows, there is the super big bad villain.   He is the super fearless leader.  The goons follow his directions and do his bidding.  He runs the show.  In some movies and Hollywood show series you will hear them say follow the money!  The money leads to the super big bad, often but not always.  Think Star Wars and other great movies.  The big bad will have lots of these goon squads often.  They do his dirty work.   Consequently, they take the blame.  When the “Hero” takes out the main goon, we cheer and are happy.  We are even happier when the Fearless Leader takes the big fall!

Typical Hollywood Goon as the little bad working for the big bad.

Taking out the goons makes the fearless leader weak

Months ago, I posted that when you take out the authoritarian’s minions, the fearless leader flops.  The goons have to have a place they live, eat and sleep.  The success of the war in Syria was because the rebels figured out who the top goons were.  Where the regular goons slept.  They then removed them, that is violent war.  They were dealing with a very violent leader.  In the war in Ukraine, we see the Ukrainian resistance taking out Putin’s goons and his source of power, which are oil products, weapons and supplies.  Putin, also took out one of his big bad minions himself, known as his Chef.  Now the Ukrainians are disrupting Putin’s logistic supplies.  They followed the money and the goon squads.  You got to think logistics, this is how wars are won.

In World War Two, the French resistance weakened the German army.   Without them blowing bridges and saying where the Germans were, the invasion of France would have taken several more years to accomplish.  Resistance works when we feel empowered emotionally.  We do not allow ourselves to fall into learned helplessness.

Wars are not won by one Hero!

Wars are won by many hero’s doing their part.  Not like in Star Wars, we don’t have Luke Skywalker nor the force, it takes many hero’s working to bring down the big bads and their goons in our world.  What we do have is our own power.  The heroes only need to slow down the goons and disrupt their logistics!  My part hopefully will be to help other’s deal with their own emotions and fears.  Also to understand how and why, we have the power to change things.  So don’t look for one hero, look within yourself and friends you trust to be heroes.

A new type of Goon!

As for the new goons, this article uncovers one squad of goons.  They work for the super big bad.  You can follow the money to them.

Here are their names:

  • Akash Bobba, 21, a student at the University of California, Berkeley
  • Edward Coristine, 19, a student at Northeastern University in Boston
  • Ethan Shaotran, 22, who said in September he was a senior at Harvard
  • Luke Farritor, 23, who attended the University of Nebraska without graduating
  • Gautier Cole Killian, a 24-year-old who attended McGill University
  • Gavin Kliger, a 25-year-old who attended Berkeley

These are a different type of goons. This goon squad are a bunch of nerds.  They are using their skills to hack and mess up the US government.  The big bad they work for appears to be creating a bad emotional toil on the American public right now.  They have deleted their web information by the way.  But, we know they are in Washington D.C. right now.  The article gives the pictures and hotel and place they work.  Back in the 1960’s, high students use to egg cars and houses.  After my brother scored the touch down that beat another football team, they egged our cars for a week straight.  The mess slowed us down everyday washing the cars in the morning!

The big Bad
I find it interesting than big billionaire media will not call this what it is.


There is no greater good, if you hurt other people.  Hurting others, yea, stupid people do that!  Yes, we can defend against stupid people.  No food, no good place to sleep, no transportation – that can stop goons without being violent.

She stopped a minion with her words “bad butch body, bleach blond”. Words can work wonders.

By James

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