Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

A Scary Red Fear

Yes, folks it is that time of the political season when old fears get stirred around.  I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  The fear of “them” nasty red Russians throwing a nuclear bomb or two was real.  I saw my mother put food and blankets in the basement during the Cuban missile crisis.  Then saw that it would not really help by looking at a map and the explosion radius of a an H or A bomb on the map of Georgia.  The H-Bomb radius was 60 miles.  I knew 60 miles cause that was the drive from Decatur to Athens to see my grandparents.

A Scary Red Fear
The scary red fear an Atomic bomb. Art work of a projected bomb strike.

It created a long lasting fear!

Memories of “fear” can be a long lasting things with humans.  I got bitten once by a small dog while riding my bike.  My brother teased me I would have to get 21 rabies shots!  That created a fear and dislike of small dogs!  Lasted till I got deprogrammed in one of my psychology classes of this fear and dislike.

About communist and the red scare

The Scary Red Fear
The “human shadow” city of Hiroshima. At one time believed to be the remains of a human left on the stones.

We had drills in school about duck and cover in the class rooms.  Like a wooden desk was going to protect you!  Stainless steel bracelets with your name on it so they could ID your burned up dead body.  The school evacuation drills in case of a bombing (really silly by the way – sort of hard to out run a shock wave blasts from an atomic bomb).  This put a memory of fear in most of us who lived in the 50’s and 60’s.

Thus, we are forgetting the dances, the great music, Elvis, the Beach Boys and Liverpool sound.  We are instead being mislead into our old Red Fear by a mountebank con man. I had fun then and forgot about those Commie pigs!  Opps authoritarian dictators.  Or as my friend Chris Koch referred to them as “dick tasters” back then.

The reality about the USSR/Russia – A Scary Red Fear

The reality was the USSR/Russia and the communist counties were and still are your average authoritarian run country.   Pure and simple dictatorships.  They have zero to do with Marx and socialist governments like Finland, Norway and Denmark.  However, now days Mr Duck face Von Shitzenpantz uses the buried deep fear along with AI and smear disinformation to bring back this deep hidden fear!  Thus, when fact checked – this flops!  He does drop bombers in his pants as this pictures shows.

A Scary Red Fear
Vonshitzenpantz stirring up fear – a silly weird man who has digestive issues and a bad smell!

We need to fear his really bad smell of pee, poop, bad cosmetics and verbal bad comedy shows.

 So voting season has started

Time to heap on every fear known known to Americans.  Mr Piggy knows fear.  He is always looking over his shoulder at those smarter and better than he is.  Former President Duck Face fired more of his White house staff (68%) than any previous president.  He uses all the fears to scare folks and belittle those better than him.  By the way a bunch of people fired you in 2020!  Cause you are a goof up.  He is loosing all his Daddy’s money cause he is a goof up.  Roy Cohen could not fix that.  You can’t fix somethings.

Is Kamala a Commie?

Is VP Kamala Harris a commie?  The disinformation media wants you to believe it.  I seriously doubt it.  The fact checks say no.  Fox News says yes – well maybe – but you know they are an entertainment channel and not real news.  Her family has earned money here in America.  That is so not commie behavior!  But you know Vonshitzenpantz is a fat pig who is loosing his mind.  So he tosses out fear poop on the walls with his minions hoping some will stick!

Our choice a bright future or a Scary Red Fear

Thus, I pick a bright future for my grand children.  Maybe from a past life memory and the treatment of some of my ancestors under authoritarian run countries by crazy kings and queens.  No thanks!  My ancestors came to the Americas to get away from these nutters.

Note – Known rapist – convicted of fraud – many failed businesses.  His boat is sinking.

Don’t let your fears sink ya

By James