Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Foggy Start to Friday January 26th

When I got up this morning, I saw a foggy day may be ahead.  My porches are all wet from the heavy rains and fogs the last three day.  In the last few days, I have gone thru my old boxes of junk.  I found old task list the look much like what I had last year.  This shows I was attempting to do projects.  However, it appears I never really created an overall project plans.  I was more reactive than proactive.   I need to research this aspect of my of my past.  Why did projects not get done?

So my old task lists had flaws

On this foggy start to Friday, I am asking myself why?  Why I made lists and why I did not always follow thru on them.  This begs the question, will my current plans fall short?  What can I do to be successful?  Is this a life long pattern I need to resolve?  Perhaps, I need to look at my successes instead of looking at my failures.  Use my successes  and draw from them strength.  The science part of me says I need to gather data.  The disorganized ADHD part of my brain has a bit of anxiety about all this.  So I play a several games of Solitaire and watch YouTube and am phone doom scrolling.

I finished reading this book

So I will use my project plan resource and gather data

As I go thru my old stuff, I am finding books and resources I can use.  I found a book on the “Balanced Score Card” from when I was working on data warehouses.  I have the 12 Week year book and I finished reading the Bullet Journal book.  With these tools I can regroup and collect data and come up with a logical easy to follow map to my goals.  Also at the same time, I need to make it enjoyable also and lower my stress level.

In summary, I am getting to work.  I have these tasks to do:

  • bury the cat I found in the road
  • go grocery shopping
  • a bit of yard work
  •  have fun
  • revise my overall project plans to fit my future

The fog has lifted and the sun is out.  I hope this helps those who read this blog!  Thanks!


By James