Fri. Feb 21st, 2025


This blog post is about hope.  The last few days, I have been on the Blue Sky social media app.  I never have been on Twitter, renamed as X.  However, I down loaded a bunch of other social media apps to try them out for future marketing.   Social media is not very good from marketing I found out when I used Instagram.   In the first few days on BlueSky, I had the following:

  • normal trolls,
  • the hot chicks for porn scam
  • the pig butchering scam types
  • various others selling investment
  • crypto sellers

I was  able to block them and report them pretty quick.  Maybe they are gone now.

Blue Sky Butterfly

What I saw and read

Many people after the election have left X. They feel suppressed on X and going to Blue Sky gave them hope.  As for me,  all I see are four more years of desperation.  One writer says we live in a mafia state without rule of law.  She then goes on to describe Trump in court as a soap opera.  I feel this writer while overly verbose, pretty much summed it up well.

She had this feeling in her writing:

In the early years of Trump’s reign, I thought that public hearings were the way out. If the truth were revealed — the full truth, the truth that involves institutional complicity and Democratic collusion and Jeffrey Epstein — then Americans could unite around it. We would have common ground and a road to accountability.

I still think this outcome is possible, but it will not come through hearings.  Our officials have no intention of holding them, a fact made clear when Trump’s second impeachment hearings for fomenting a coup were a mere month long. Officials are on one side, and we, the people, are on the other.

In the meantime, we lost the TV monoculture that would make hearings popular.  Since 2020, Americans have lost national cohesion in almost every sense. We lost our already weak public health system to COVID.  We lost journalism to an internet controlled by oligarchs and algorithms.  We lost pop culture to CEOs who can delete digital media on a whim. We still have sports, but the problem is that everything is treated like sports, with “teams” and “sides”.   She sounds pretty desperate.

What My website analytics say

Having been on Blue Sky now for five days.  I have 417 followers.  I am following 508 people and have five main post 269 replies to posts.  Many link back to my website here.  My website traffic has not gone up much.  On IG after four years I have 312 followers with 48 posts and over 2,000 replies.  I have had several people block me on Blue Sky.  They were mostly those who messaged me to scam me.   So in that respect Blue Sky is better.  I had one person who thought he knew more about Scottish and English history and religion.

Sorry Paulie, I had great history teachers in school and at the Universities I went to.  However, I chose science over history.  My reading for fun was history including the history of science, very detailed histories to exact.  There is my curiosity of wanting to know the causes wars, thus I found books that were very detailed.

My take on the future

To me,  predicting the future falls into uncertainty.  As for the election guessers, they failed on November 5th.  Sorry, we don’t really know what will happen in the next four years.  We can guess but we don’t know.  We can say Trump did “this and that” last time in office.  We know he played a lot of golf and screwed up the economy.   Maybe this time he will fix it.   We don’t know.   We can sink into our own personal depression.  Or we can have hope.  I choose hope!

Social media – bots, algorithms, trolls

One this I have found is that Social media leads to doom scrolling.  Consequently,  I am working to not use my phone and computers as much except to increase my writing skills.  Many website use SEO and algorithms to keep you on their website or news feeds.  So it goes!

Maybe I will post link to this blog on several social media sites.  But then I may just say so what or what ever.  Lastly, I will most likely tune out and work on my tasks.  That I have some control over.


By James