Sat. Jan 18th, 2025


This post is simple.  It concerns your legacy.  I have thought about what my legacy will be for my grandchildren.  It maybe nothing more than a person on a ancestor chart.  It maybe the actions I take this fall to vote against a mountebank and leaders that supports autocracy and greed.

With Climate change and other factors in the balance…

2024 will be a pivotal year for many things.  We have a war in eastern Europe and in the middle east.  Our planet’s climate is getting hotter due to many factors.  Therefore, we don’t need silly jerks in elected government that are poor leaders.  We need problem solvers not leaders that are problems.  There is a lot of evidenced based science we can use.

Legacy world temperature graph
World Temperature Graph – What is your Legacy?

The choice is yours….

Yes, dear readers the choice is yours.  You get to pick either a bright future for your grand children or a bleak future for them.  The authoritarian types spread all sorts of disinformation daily.  Being conservative is not looking at a bright future.

Wars with authoritarian leaders

There are no good authoritarian leaders.  Their natural behavior favors lies, disinformation, control over others and revenge.  Spotting their behavior appears easy if you are looking critically at what they say.   We now have books and science behavioral research on it.  These leaders are dark triad types.  They are not good people for a bright nice future.

Just follow these writers, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Timothy Snyder, and Anne Applebaum.  They have excellent books.  You don’t need to be a super scholar to understand them.

Your legacy?

So what will your legacy be?  A bright future for your grand children or a bleak dystopian future.  I chose a bright future.   We need to erase dark triad leaders from our planet and be proactive about our future.  What will your choice be?

Now about the Heritage foundation – A bad legacy!

Back in the mid 1960’s I was walking and in my neighborhood and found a sheet flyer.  It from the John Birch society.  I found it a bit upsetting.  I asked my parents about the paper.  My father stated they are a bunch of nuts against progress.  We now have the Heritage Foundation taking their nutter place.  The first question I asked is whose heritage are they promoting?  They sound rather medieval to me.   Let’s bring back a king.  Kings often failed as do dictators.  The past is not our future.   This is a quick YouTube explanation of their project 2025.  Note – they have used disinformation to make the words progress and progressives bad terms for their followers.  Sorry, I don’t want my grand children to be minions.


The Heritage Foundation and greedy authoritarian leaders are not my heritage.  My ancestors left Europe to get away from bad Kings.  Some got burned at the stake, their heads chopped off and fled to the new world for freedom.

I want a bright future of my grandchildren.   I want a bright future based in science.   Not a bunch of nutters who want a king or greedy dictator back.  How we chose to live is not their damn business.    You don’t control other people’s bodies with your religious believes!

“Mind your own damn business” Tim Walz  Love it!

By James