Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Time sensitive projects

I have a need to make my projects time sensitive projects.  To do this I am going to develop a project count down excel spread sheet.  In the last few years I have (or close to never) used time urgency for any of my projects.  The result – I have a ton of partially done projects.  The 12 week year states to be successful, I need to have a time urgency factor in my daily work!  So my solution, I need to develop a countdown Excel Spreadsheet that takes the needed date and gives how many days to do the task and project.  I can then look at it every day and stay focused on my tasks to stay on track.

So I looked at two minor projects I have and did a day count down on them.  For Annie’s earrings 26 days.  For Adalyn’s earrings, I have 40 days.  Also – I need a project guide to map out and code the bullet journal daily tasks.

My previous plans post, it is pretty useless!  So I am learning to makes changes and redoing my bullet journal to get my projects done.

So I came up with this solution

Add a Passion rating from 0 to 5 for the tasks I am working on in my bullet journal.

Add an Urgency level guide to my bullet journal

  • HU – High urgency  – with in 1-10 days
  • MU – medium urgency – 11-20 days
  • LU – low urgency – 21-60 days

Figure a Project Size for Time sensitive projects

Next, I need to figure out my projects sizes and have a code for them in my bullet journal.  So I came up with this guide for me.

  • B – Big project that requires – time – material and > 10 tasks and difficult work
  • M – medium project – tasks  less than 10 tasks and not difficult work
  • SP – Requires Skill practice
  • S – Small project – less than 5 tasks

Now for an Example Plan using 12 Week Year methods & Bullet Journal

Current State of my TR4a

So let’s say I want to get the TR4a in the garage.  I will need a tasks list – first just stream of consciousness the tasks needed.

  1. Clean wheel and sand blast rust area on it
  2. Sand – prime and paint wheel once clean
  3. Clear 13 x 5 foot space in garage – this means I need to find other places for lots of stuff (a mini project also)
  4. Vacuum and clean floor – really good
  5. Get new tire on wheel after paint is hard
  6. Pressure Wash and clean car out very well
  7. Remove rugs and trash in car
  8. Lastly move mowers out of the way
  9. Push car into garage – may need help

10-11. Unforeseen tasks – Like finding other places for lots of stuff in my garage.

So there are nine known tasks and two unknown tasks.  I need to put the tasks in a better order and it map out.  Thus it falls into a Big project category.  I can do this for all the projects I have now.

Time sensitive projects excel spreadsheet

Next Step – I need to put a time line and block out times and days for these tasks. for very critical time related tasks that are need on a certain date.  I will put a target date and have a count down for each task and project.  More on this later!

TR4 – What I want mine to look like


By James

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