Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

More on my dive into my ancestry

This blog post concerns my dive into my ancestry with my DNA.   My grandmother on my father’s genetic line and some of my cousins on my mother’s genetic line had done some family genealogy and history in the past.  I have that in a box in James’ house of horrors that I am cleaning up now.   I did a bit with this information in the 1980’s and came up with a pretty good genealogy map.  However, in the computer age with DNA, we can go further back than the 1980’s technology of written records and scanned sheets in a library microfiche reader.

Thus in December in began the journey deep into my genetic history.   I found many surprises.  Here are just a few!

Cleopatra Powhatan

Cleopatra “Matachanna” Powhatan was born in 1590 in Frederick, Virginia, her father, the Chief, was 45 years old and her mother, Nonoma, was 40. She had one daughter with Chief Opechancanough Mangopeesomon Powhatan Stream Cornstalk Weroance “Eagle Plume”War Pamunkey Shawnee  (what a name!). Matachanna died in 1680 in Jackson, Virginia, at the impressive age of 90.  Native American DNA > 1.% There were several more native American generations until William John Vaughan married Cassiah Kesiah in 1718.  Later Ellacary Ann Vaughn my 2nd great grand mother who also had a English royalty in her DNA married Dr Downs who was descended from four Mayflower ancestors.

Hugh Despenser, 1st Baron Despenser

Hugh Despenser was the son and heir of Hugh Despenser, Earl of Winchester, (the Elder Despenser) and his wife Isabel Beauchamp, daughter of William Beauchamp, 9th Earl of Warwick. He rose to national prominence as royal chamberlain and a favorite of Edward II of England.  (this means they were bisexual).  Despenser made many enemies amongst the nobility of England.  After the overthrow of Edward, he was eventually charged with high treason and ultimately hanged, drawn and quartered.  This is typical of authoritarian playbook, humiliate those.  Edward’s wife took over after Edward II.  She wanted control and power!

You can call this gay bashing, however, he had eight children with Eleanor de Clare a granddaughter of Edward I of England.

From Huge and Edward I and his wife, I can trace back to Charlemagne!  A surprise!  The Neville’s turned up on both side of my family.  They were well connected to England and Scotland’s power base.  They suffered for it as did other ancestors.

Diving into my ancestry
Huge Despenser getting humiliated and tortured. Hugh fastened to a ladder and disemboweled alive in Hereford England.

These are not the only ones to suffer English punishment

Three were killed in the War of Roses (Neville’s) and (Plantagenets) in either battles or as traitors.  One ancestor was burned at the stake during Queen Mary’s reign as a heretic protestant Reverend.  No wonder my ancestors were hot to trot out of England, Scotland and Ireland!

Now for the shockers

One of my cousin was a sperm donor!  I found I have 31 1st cousins 1x removed.

Next shocker

I am related to the current royal family thru both of my parents.  I have ancestors that were Neville’s, Beauchamp’s and Plantagenet’s ancestors.  Therefore thru Sir George Bowes, I am related to Queen Elizabeth via her mother and my mother.  Gasp!

In another ancestry line – folks on the Mayflower

This one was interesting, I had four ancestors on the Mayflower.  Two died the first year.  However, their son came a year later so I am descended from them!  Never could guess that.  Leaving England to be free from authoritarian rule.  Kings, Queens and their minions are still a problem we face still.

Now how did my father’s line get here

They left Scotland in 1745.  Young George was 15 at the time.  His father Robert third Laird of Orange/Middleham clearly did not want to be involved with either side.  The Jacobean revolt was in full swing and they were protestant.  Best to catch the boat to Canada.  From there they went to New York Hudson valley.  George made a living at a metal worker (see metal work and cars are in my background).

More on my dive into my ancestry

In the spring of 1778, a heavy chain supported by huge log rafts was stretched across the Hudson from West Point to Constitution Island to impede the movement of British ships north of West Point.  The chain constructed over six weeks at the Sterling Iron Works in Warwick, Orange County NY, had huge chain links from Long Pond Iron Works in Ringwood, New Jersey.  Therefore, when completed, the 600-yard (550 m) chain contained iron links two feet (0.6 m) in length, weighing 140 to 180 pounds (64 to 82 kg).  Afterwards, they went to Virginia.  George and his sons fought in the battle of Cowpens and King’s mountain.  The broke US congress paid George and his sons with land in Georgia for their war service.  Thank you, some of my cousins still own that land!

My dive into my ancestry
My ancestor helped make this chain. I learned this in my dive into my ancestry.


Peter Townsend who ran the Sterling iron works, brother was Robert Townsend head of George Washington’s spy ring.  Peter also was one of the spy’s of the Culper Spy Ring. Thus young George got into the American revolution in a deep way I never expected.

Summary how I feel about all this

So I find my DNA was from a lot of different folks.  One key in my ancestors stories I see is the price of freedom they paid.  My ancestors had darn good reasons to get the hell out of England and Europe.  Yet, here we are fighting authoritarian rule in 2024.  Different names now like Mister Piggy and Putin but the same old story.  They want power and will kill others for it.  When one group loses power and another group takes power.  Watch out! These transitions have issues.  The American system while not perfect, works to have a peaceful transfer of power.  When a minority takes control over a government – look out!

Just remember, King Charles III controls 25% of the world still!  Putin controls the largest country on the planet and has started wars to increase it’s size.

Dedication of this post

This post is dedicated to my rebel ancestors who left to find freedom!  To the brave women who boarded ships to come to the new world and to the native Americans who were already here.  Much love!

By James