School Shootings and my Congressman
First off, I did not vote for my current congressman. His name is Andrew Clyde. He came to fame cheating on his taxes. His campaign puts up signs like these below. He lives in Athens Georgia not even in our district anymore. After the civil war, southerners would label his type of person a carpetbagger and damn Yankee. He went to a very christian cult school in the Midwest. He says he is a deacon of the Prince Avenue Baptist Church in Athens. However, no one there has seen him there very much anymore. Not much of a right to lifer.

The school shooting happened near by us
At the start of school in Winder, Georgia, a troubled student killed four and injured 9 other people. He had an AR-15 type rifle. Here is the link, school shooting Winder, Georgia. My wife’s daughter is a school teacher. She lives in fear of these events happening at her school and where her daughter goes. Consequently, we worry also about their safety also.
Chances are the shooter’s father purchased the weapon at Clyde’s store in Athens near where he use to live in Jefferson, Georgia.
About the AR-15
The Shooter’s father purchased the rifle/weapon for his son. Not a good move. The kid who attempted to shoot Von ShitzInPantz, used as AR-15 type weapon also. The next attempted assassin was found with an AK-47 type rifle on the golf course. The AR-15 type weapon was developed in the late 1950’s. “AR” comes from the name of the gun’s original manufacturer, ArmaLite, Inc. The letters stand for ArmaLite Rifle — and not for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” The weapon design worked for close combat warfare just like the AK-47 type weapons. Gone are the heavy wood stocks of the M-1 and M-14.
ArmaLite first developed the AR-10 in the late 1950s as a military rifle using the new 7.62 round, but had limited success in selling it. In 1959 the company sold the design to Colt. Colt made the gun lighter by changing the caliber to the smaller .223 round and using plastic stocks. In 1963, the U.S. military selected Colt to manufacture the automatic rifle that soon became standard issue for U.S. troops in the Vietnam War. The army named it the M-16. It was basically designed for short range jungle warfare. Afterwards later designs added a 3 round burst and renamed the new version the M-4. These were used in the 1990’s to 2020 wars and conflicts. They are not good at long range as several soldiers have told me.
A quick word about the AK-47. They are very cheap to manufacture. Easy to take apart and clean. These were developed from the Russian small-arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov. He used the Sturmgewehr 44 rifle used by German forces in late World War Two as a bases for his design. However, they were designed for close urban combat where the Sturmgewehr 44 excelled at.
Colt Jumps in then flops in the 21st century
Armed with that success, Colt ramped up production of a semiautomatic version of the M-16 that it sold to law enforcement and the public, marketed as the AR-15. When Colt’s patents for the AR-15 expired in the 1970s, other manufacturers began making similar models. Those gun makers gave the weapons their own names, yet the popularity of the AR-15 turned it into a generic term for all types of AR-15-style rifles. Obviously, the gun maker’s earn a great deal of money from these sales now. About Colt now, subsequently they went bankrupt and CZ purchased them.
The AR-15 style weapons and AK-47 weapons use to be banned from hunting deer in Georgia. Now we are overrun by deer. Cause very few people actually hunt deer but they have their AR-15 type rifle.
By the way, after I got out of school. During Nixon’s gas crisis. I was unable to find work in my field. So I worked as a security guard at an amusement park. At night after the park closed, we carried S&W .38’s. Not Colt revolvers. I was third in my class at target shooting behind two Vietnam vets.
Now Back to Andrew Clyde
He gets big bucks from several of the AR-15 copy makers and the NRA. He sells the AR-15 weapons in his store in Athens, Georgia. Thus, he pushes the gun lobby bullshit about the 2nd amendment. He wants the rules that offer some protection by the ATF removed! Many of us want more rules and enforcement to protect our children! Therefore, the right to life party may care for the unborn but don’t give a rats ass for school children and others. As I told some friends the following, If it looks like a machine gun, fires like a machine – It most likely is a machine gun.
About me and weapons
Yes, I own weapons. Most southern men and women do. However, if I was mentally failing, my wife and children have directions to remove my collection of antique weapons. I live in the country. I have a vineyard. If the deer jump the fence. You can bet your bippy, I will shoot them in deer season. The rest of the time I chase them out. I follow the ATF and state rules. At the age of 13, I was trained by the army rangers at their camp in north Georgia on mountain climbing and shooting an M-14. Yes, I use to mountain climb with my friend Lee. Now, I just hike the trails up here.
Post dedications
This post is dedicated to the the students and parents of those students killed and injured in school shootings. Also to Tambrei Cash (Democratic Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Georgia’s 9th Congressional District. She is on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024. She advanced from the Democratic primary on May 21, 2024.