Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Sophia (wisdom) and gnósis (knowledge)

This post is about wisdom and knowledge.  The Greek goddess Athena was associated with wisdom, warfare, and handicraft.  To have wisdom you need to learn.  Warfare and handicraft both require knowledge and skills.

Athena in the Louvre
Athena in the Louvre

So Athena indirectly requires you to develop knowledge and skills.   As I grew up, both my Grandmothers lived in Athens, Georgia.  I felt like a good bit of my time was spent on highway 78 going from Atlanta to Athens.  Athens was named after Athena.  It has the University of Georgia, that has major libraries store places of knowledge.  So in my mind as a child I would think of fair Athena goddess of wisdom as we traveled to Athens.  Both my grandmothers were smart women who both went to college.  They had a lot of knowledge!  As a child you don’t realize this.  In past posts I wrote about practicing and training.  These are critical to both knowledge and skill development.  One reason I do these blogs concerns developing my writing skills.  Thus the development of Sophia and gnósis requires work with the help of Athena.

Eventually, we hope this work pays off with gaining skills and a better knowledge base that helps with wisdom.


Psychology tells us that we forget about 80% of what we learn in two weeks – 14 days!  Unless knowledge gets reinforced it leaves most people.  So I keep practicing my writing daily now.  Getting good feedback from my friends I send links to the latest articles.  I am pretty sure 80% is an average.  Sadly, we have a goodly number who are below that average.  They are now making up the minions many of us are beginning to dislike.  You can recognize them with their mouths open in doltish wonder.  Thank you all for those of you who read these blogs.  I appreciate the feedback I get.  I sure did not get it from any of my English teachers.

Today’s work

So today before and after this post.  I am planting seeds to put out in April and potting seedlings that have already sprouted.  This takes time.  So fair well friends and gentle readers.  I work so that I can have mucho food.  My sister already wants cucumbers so she she can make cucumber soup.  The grocery stores don’t have good cucumbers of late.  They are also expensive due to bad policy decisions of some of our dingbat leaders such as Mr Piggy and his followers.


So I will be growing a great deal of food this year.  I hope it helps.


By James