Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Today is an important day in American history

Yes folks, today is an important day in American history.  February 8th, 2024 will be remembered as a bogus day for the American legal system. The reason, very clearly our government has a big problem.  Certainly today will be looked at in legal history as a landmark day.   The news is covering this event as are many bloggers.  The supreme court will rule about Mr Piggy being allowed to run for office.  Today, they will hear arguments from both sides lawyers.  It promises to be interesting.

With my own eyes – I saw 1/6/21

I was in shock on 1/6/21 watching the attack.   So today, I am listening to the news.  Waiting to hear the opinions.  I am not a lawyer.  I am logical and have read the constitution and amendments.   My opinion, I don’t think there is a good defense for Mr Piggy as seen in the Brick Store on the square.

Mr Piggy – a drawing found in Decatur Georgia

So what will happen?

I have no clue what will happen to Mr Piggy.  Mr Piggy is just a regular citizen now.  Therefore, he needs to be removed from ever holding office.  His administration was very bad for our nation and the world.  We have on video all he and the others said that day.  It is all there on the web where you can see the videos.

If they rule it applies to Mr Piggy.  Then he can not run.  It is over.  Mr Piggy stated he was immune to prosecution.  However, George Conway III wrote was an article where he thought the ruling was tight as a drum that he was not immune.

In Summary,  it maybe a few weeks for the supreme court to rule on this.  Until then, we hope we can say “Bye Felicia“.  May we never hear Mr Piggy talk as he fades into history.  He currently has to defend against 91 felonies.  He also has many judgements for his bad actions coming also.  But, Mr Piggy is supremely untalented. , Mr Piggy, a complete fake and phony at many, many things, one of his actual strengths is knowing how to work someone, especially someone weak and insecure people.  In the past Mr Piggy easily swayed others by flattery or money or the promise of it.  Mr Piggy is really good at manipulating people.  So we best not forget that!

Updates – The Results thus far….

They asked questions.  Mr Piggy’s lawyers stated it was a riot and not an insurrection.  Mr Piggy then stated it was an insurrection and blamed the non involved speaker of the house.  She stated Poo-Poo having been around Mr Piggy and experienced the foul smells and farts as loud as thunder claps.  As for the supreme court, they did not ask very good questions.  The legal scholars agreed later that day and on the 9th.  They blew it!  Well we will wait and post more later.

By James