Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Trump’s Ear Wound

This post concerns Trump’s ear wound.   It is to clarify the misleading information that is floating around.   First, we will look at the report of the non involved doctor.  I do not condone political violence, this is what authoritarian types do to  keep power.  Normally, their minions do this dirty work.

Trump’s ear wound 2 CM or 20MM in size

The doctor states the wound was 2 centimeters in the report on the top of the ear.  The videos show a scrap of skin missing on top of his ear and blood coming down his face.

Trump's ear wound
Trump’s ear wound per AP (thanks AP).

What does 2 Centimeters or 20 millimeters look like

Well it looks like this.  This looks close to the flap of skin in the early video’s.


Now I will compare it with an AR15 round at 5.4MM

This is a cheap target round of .223 or 5.4 NATO round used in an AR type weapon the shooter had. He most likely had better ammo than this.  The .223 ammo is not exactly the best sniper round to use.  This picture compares the size of the round to 2 centimeters.  If the round had hit Trump’s ear it would leave a hole and not a torn piece ear cartilage and skin.


Per the first reports, they stated the wound looked like a shrapnel wound where the bullet hit a Teleprompter screen and knocked pieces off the screen.  Others around Trump stated they were also hit by shrapnel also.

trump's ear wound bullet size
Measurement of a AR-15 round in MM

Thus while the bullet came close – it missed hitting one of the Teleprompters.  Most likely the e-room doctors used medical grade CA glue to put the skin and cartilage back on.

One last fact about Trump’s Ear Wound

A friend stated he was told the .223 rounds would tumble when the hit a human or after being fired.  This was in 1971.  Since then more pathology studies and experience treating AR-15 bullet wounds has lead to a greater understanding of the impact of these ammunition wounds.   Of note, a picture captured the bullet going pass Trump.   If you scale the bullet size you can see it was not close to his head!  The bullet appears to be about somewhere between 1 and 2 feet away from his head in a straight line not tumbling. This can be figured by the 5.4MM comparing the size of hat rim about 3mm and then triangulated a distance.  He would have heard a supersonic shock wave sound after the bullet pasted and the pain of the ear wound got to his brain.  Also note the bullet path was below the top of Trump’s ear that was bleeding!  Thus, he was hit by shrapnel and not a bullet.

Trump's ear wound
Missed shot – but captured by a photographer.  Note the bullet path and Trump’s ear wound location!

If the bullet had hit him this is what a typical wound would have looked like.

This would have created a nasty wound!


Evidently, following the attempted assassination rumors and misinformation spread due to ignorance.  This sadly appears in pre-authoritarian cultures.   Truth and searching for facts becomes the first victim in a disinformation culture.  Furthermore, I figured the news media would be very factual about reporting the wounds.  However, in the current world of poor journalism standards, this is not the case.   Per the bullet path photo, Trump was not hit by the bullet but shrapnel.

By James