Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Updates on my projects

This post concerns updates on my projects.  My progress has been slow on many of my projects.  Since January I have lost about 15 pounds (6.5Kg) of weight and feel much stronger physically.  I have spent way too much time on the computer from January to March writing and learning SEO skills.  Now I am doing lots of yard work and gardening.  Here are the pictures.  Concurrently, the physical work has been good for my body,

Cleared a new garden space

Updates on projects
Have planted veggies here

Now an Update on my garden projects.  This bed had a lot of weeds, gravel and junk plants in it.  Now it is cleared and planted.  All of these plants are from seeds or clones I have made.  I have three varieties of tomatoes, own sources peppers from seed in purchased bell peppers.  There are four kinds of bell peppers, some hot peppers and El Cimyo del Nord peppers.  On this bed I created a nice border with Marigolds.   For me, I like the artistry of how this looks. This area was filled with gravel from the original construction of the house.  The previous owners did very little to improve these areas. The flower beds were just filled with one plant and not finished off.  They were eye sores.  Now they are becoming gardens as they get great sunlight.  Thus for me a garden needs to look nice and ordered.


Updates on projects
Grapes growing just a few bunches

Updates on vineyard project, I have planted more grapes varieties.  Next I will be setting up a system to hold the 3 year old grapes and prune them for production next year.  I added the following varieties, Pinot Meuiere, Chardonnay, Syrah,  Mouredre and Aligote Dore.  My super biodynamic fertilization has several plants at 8 feet high now with thick stems.  I have attempted to root some green cutting and had limited success with this.  However, I will keep working on this until I have a good method.  Them next January, I will do grafting to create more grafted grape plants.

Harvesting Blueberries

Blueberries and beans – I have been harvesting them daily!

My switch to Biodynamic culture

This project appears to be working well for the grapes, fruit trees and vegetables right now.  Therefore, when we get more vegetables and fruit I will be a bit happier.  As this will lower our grocery costs.

The Art Projects Update

I taught classes and took a casting class.   I did some painting skill development painting.  Here are the results.

6 MM yellow sapphire with new machine Facetron and 72 index.

From my organic casting class.

Grapes leaves, mint, cast in place cheap gems (did not work well).

One of the grape leaves has Japanese beetles.  They are the bane in late May to July eating grape leaves and attacking my fruit trees.  I decided these would make a good art piece.  The other grape leaves that were smaller but I got the idea to take even smaller leaves and make them into earrings.  I learned a great deal in this class.

Summary on my project updates

Thus my updates on projects, sorting out my old junk from keepers to trash has been slower than I thought it would be.  I needed to put several projects in boxes as I sorted them.  This helped my sort out old projects.  I modified my 12 week plan to fit my ADHD a good bit along with using the bullet journal.  Perhaps I work better due to daily changes by keeping a daily list vs a bullet journal.  Having too many projects in the past has come back to bite me.  Thus I work better focused one just one or two at a time for a week.  I do my reflections on the computer and iphone vs writing them down in a book.  Evidently, this works better for me.

By James