Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Viktor Mihály Orbán Dark Triad Score

Per request, “James could you score Viktor Orbán for your Mack Daddy Dark Triad Score”.  My answer, “yes, here it is”.  The Psycho Evaluation Krewe together and we graded and regraded several of the mack Daddies based on recent actions.  Victor fails to be a Mack Daddy.  He appears to in just one marriage with no known mistresses that we could find.  He does have five children.

Viktor Mihály Orbán Dark Triad Score
SZEKESFEHERVAR, HUNGARY – APRIL 06: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban he doe like the flag displays. (Photo by Laszlo Balogh/Getty Images)

This requires an Excel spread sheet.  Each person in the Krewe gives their scores independent of the others,  I then calculate an average for each of the 18 categories listed.  We review actions, against the authors Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Timothy Snyder, Hannah Arendt and others in their works on authoritarian behaviors and the dark triad traits.  We also look at the media images they create and the untruths they tell and/or have told.

The Categories for a dark triad type – The dark Eighteen categories we score on

  • Manipulate others to get their way.
  • Best at using deceit, untruths, best at gaslighting and rewriting history
  • Uses flattery to get their way.
  • Exploit others towards their own end.
  • Lack remorse for their actions.
  • Venality – not concerned with morality to get money or the morality of their actions.
  • Callous and insensitive
  • Cynical
  • Want others to admire them.  Narcissistic supply
  • Getting others to pay attention to them
  • Seek prestige or status.  Use of show, bluster to show how strong or rich they are.
  • Expect special favors from others.
  • Cofactors of using sex and punishment (S&M, torture and prison)
  • Uses ritual humiliation
  • Dislike those more skilled than them
  • Works to get rid of opponents
  • Special category hates LGBTQ people and minorities
  • Over turning and abusing democracy

How we Score

We use a scale from zero to ten.  At Zero – subject shows no behavior in the area.  A score of five, the subject is showing about 50% of the time these bad behaviors.  For a score of ten, the subject is showing these behaviors 100% with proof.  Our scored are behavior based on video’s, court cases and testimony of victims or crimes.


In “Works to get rid of opponents”, we look for how a subject like Putin deals with opponents.  He has a strings of deaths and imprisonments.   With “Cofactors of using sex and punishment”, we look at Trump’s MO in sexual abuse per the E. Jean Carol case.  Or Muammar Gaddafi female student sexual torture chamber as documented by Ruth Ben-Ghiat.  Lastly, we look at Mack Daddy behaviors like Elon Musk having 14 children (what a man).  Note – Viktor fails the Mack Daddy test.

Viktor Orbán Dark Triad Scores

Behavior Traits of subject Orbán
Manipulate others to get their way. 9
Best at using deceit, untruths, best at gaslighting and rewriting history 5
Uses flattery to get their way. 5
Exploit others towards their own end. 5
Lack remorse for their actions. 10
Venality – not concerned with morality to get money or the morality of their actions. 10
Callous and insensitive 10
Cynical 8
 Want others to admire them.  Narcissistic supply 8
Getting others to pay attention to them 10
Seek prestige or status.  Use of show, bluster to show how strong or rich they are. 9
Expect special favors from others. 9
Cofactors of using sex and punishment (S&M, torture and prison) 10
Uses ritual humiliation 5
Dislike those more skilled than them 5
Works to get rid of opponents 10
Special category hates LGBTQ people and minorities 10
Over turning and abusing democracy 9
Total 147

A score of 147 puts him near the TOP for a Dark Triad Type.

Comments from the Psycho Krewe

  • While not a Mack Daddy – his admin has had sex of late sex scandals
  • Great hate for LGBTQ+
  • Now becoming unpopular due to blunders
  • Many pictures with fists – strong man image!
  • Hates immigrates and blocks them (pure blood fear).
  • Causes trouble with NATO!
  • Ruling and in power since 1998 to now!  That is way too long!
  • Uses shows and populist rhetoric.  (Authoritarian playbook).
  • Get manipulated by those he admires – ie the Super Mack Daddy Putin!

About our Blog/Articles

Note – Our posts use the  Gunning Fog Index.   We attempt to keep our articles easy to read, but we do use 3+ syllable words which does ups our Gunning Fog Index rating.  Our posts use Lexend font, one of the easiest fonts to read.  Please feel free to share these posts with friends.

By James

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