Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Voting and Shit Talk

Today’s blog post is about voting and shit talk by the GOPP (Oh my! an awful Goofed up Old Past President).   On Saturday October 19th, I voted.  I did not vote for any Republicans.  Period the end.  I am so tired of hearing about Voting and Shit Talk from Duck Face Von Shitzenpanz on media.  I need a break!  His bad comedy act and voice.  Ugh!  Bad JU-JU!  I wish I could block his ads on media like YouTube.  They are very annoying and untruthful!

Per Chris Christy on Mr Piggy ducking the debates

Chris quote “And you’re not here tonight—not because of polls, and not because of your indictments. You’re not here tonight, because you’re afraid of being on the stage and defending your record,” Christie continued.

“You’re ducking these things…You keep doing that, no one up here is going to call you Donald Trump anymore, we’re going to call you Donald Duck.”

Lets face it Duck Face Von Shitzenpanz record is so bad he is rated behind the other worst presidents like Herbert Hoover and Millard Fillmore.

One of his seven facial expressions!

Voting and Shit Talk
Quack – Quack – let me duck the issue(s) – I have a concept of a plan!!!!! Sorry we don’t want Project 2025 from nutters.

No Plan – No action – Just staying out of Jail

He has no plans as a president.  Also he gets money for nothing from political donations.  He is so rich, he is really rich.  Yea right!  He is losing money daily from his court cases.  Talk trash – more trash talk – and lastly lots of fiction from a mind getting tired and demented.

Voting and Shit Talk
When the mouth quacks you know it is a bad comedy routine

Don’t give this to Jeep people

They will toss it to the pavement and flatten it.

Voting and Shit Talk
Have yet to see one of these in a Jeep window!

The Fuck you Duck Meme

Duck Face Von Shitzenpanz talks and makes his faces and moves his hands like he is playing an invisible accordion.  You know he is throwing more shit on the wall of the brains of his minions.  They are turkeys gobble gobble gobble – they eat shit!  When I see these brief videos  on the news and YouTube of him talking.  Gag me!  I jump to something else fast now.

Believe me I am really rich – I am a great business man – BUT he has failed products and businesses.

A short history of disinformation shit talk

In its simplest form, disinformation is lies spread consciously with an explicit—often political  objective.  Not to be confused with misinformation, disinformation is purposeful, usually deriving from the source of the lie, whereas the misled carriers of that lie become the unknowing propagators of misinformation.  In other words, misinformation can be the product of a successful disinformation campaign.

Examples from History of shit talk

The practice has had its place in every civilization, but its fundamental purpose of achieving political change limited its use throughout antiquity and into the dynastic age when autocratic figures (you know assholes dictators, kings and bad rulers) controlled the distribution of information. Even prominent campaigns of the early 17th century, such as those waged by Hapsburg supporters during the Thirty Years’ War, were examples of localized attempts to consolidate domestic power by controlling one’s own information environment. Such intrastate politics are a far cry from interstate campaigns designed to erode the legitimacy of distant ruling parties by altering public perception. Targeted lies were not often intended for the general population of foreign powers for two reasons.  That is complicated.

Works best with those who do not question the sources

First, the ability for such information to travel rapidly through large swaths of citizenry was severely limited. Second, even if the disinformation gained traction, an autocracy possessed the means to smash murmurs of insurrection rather decisively. Instead, early disinformation campaigns usually sought to deceive specific officials or misdirect the general intelligence estimates of governments. Athenian general Themistocles used disinformation to fool King Xerxes of Persia into a hasty withdrawal across the Hellespont in the fifth century BCE with devastating results. In the following century, King Philip II of Macedon was notorious for employing spies who fed the Athenian council false information regarding Philip’s true designs on Athens.

Paul Revere does a picture in America

The infamous Boston Massacre of 1770 demonstrated the opportunistic nature of localized propaganda in the wake of major events. Paul Revere’s sensationalized—and likely plagiarized — he did an engraving of the massacre, though influential, it still failed to convince the rest of the colonists to join the rebellion. Later they would take up arms against the British crown, yea!.  After all they left England and Europe to get away from Kings.  Even if it had, this would be another Hapsburgian example of localized, internal disinformation.

Voting and Shit Talk
engraving of the Boston massacre used in news papers – News spread slowly back then!

Throw in a bit of Rudyard Kipling spy novels

Sometime later, during the Great Game period of 18th and 19th century in Central Asia, spies and commercial espionage agents littered the continent. Numerous empires sought to map Asia and feed their imperial archives and to use a term coined by Harvard University professor Thomas Richards. They became both the distributors and recipients of disinformation as competing colonial powers such as Tsarists Russia, Napoleonic France and those pesky Brit’s.  Each country vied for influence in the mountains of Afghanistan, India, and elsewhere in Asia.  There is money in them there hills.  Gold, Silver, diamonds and gems could be mined and found!  For all the “DeBeers” they could drink!

It does have a good return on investment

Still, throughout this period the most effective disinformation tricks were aimed at the other’s country.  Its associated disinformation users it could garner the greatest return on their investment in lies.  It was not until the crumbling of empires after the Great War (WWI) that the proponents of disinformation began to witness a shifting base of power.  Think Mussolini and Hitler using disinformation along with those those those fighting for freedom from the older powers.  Thus , throughout the 20th century, decolonization and democratization placed imperial power into the hands of the people, (think Mahātmā Gandhi)  thus redirecting the focus of groups bent on coerced political transformation from the governors to the governed.

Wish I could do a good Summary on Voting and Shit Talk

In summary, I hate disinformation.  Thus when I hear, read and see shit talk. My horns come out and I want to gore the source.  Well, I voted against the major shit source and his minions.  The autocrats are attempting to take over this planet.  How do you feel about that? Have you voted?

My feelings about disinformation. FU Duck Face Von Shitzenpanz!


By James