Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

What is authoritarianism?

authoritarianism, in politics and government, the blind submission to authority and the repression of individual freedom of thought and action.

The term ‘authoritarianism’ means blind submission to an authority.   Therefore, in political terms the individual looses freedom of thought and action.  In an authoritarian political systems, concentrated political power becomes centered in the hands of a single political leader or a group of powerful elites.  They are not responsible to the citizens. Most authoritarian leaders often exercise their power arbitrarily, disregarding the established laws. Moreover, authoritarian leaders share the key characteristic that they may not be replaced by other individuals by way of competitive elections.  Thus they subvert leadership by democratic means.  Authoritarianism viewed this way as the direct opposite of democracy.   There are various flavors of authoritarianism.  There is the totalitarian flavor, the strongman dictator flavor, emperor or king flavors.  The differences are subtle for each flavor.   The bad kind happen when the authoritarian leader is a dark triad type.

The Dark Triad Types

Dark triad authoritarian types, kill or murder others to stay in power.  They lack empathy and use various types of mind control over the citizens.  Elections are rigged in their favor.  These are elections in name only. Autocrat types are fragile and insecure people. They are always looking over their shoulder to see who is after them. To build themselves up (Big EGO) and deter others from challenging their power.   They boost and brag to increase they ego and power.  They use this bragging to create learned helplessness.  Learned helplessness leads to increased feelings of stress and depression. Some people develop  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The question asked

How do you get rid of authoritarian dark triad type once they get into power?  Significantly in history, we need to look at models that worked against dark triad types.  These are called revolutions.  Some were successful.  But many reverted to authoritarian rule like the French revolution and the English civil war.   Napoleon came to power then found the crown of France in a gutter.  The same thing happened in Russian after the revolution from 1918 onwards.  Lenin and Stalin found power was too good to pass up!  Lastly, Putin found it was too good to pass up now.  The Russian population was deep into learned hopelessness. As Mel Brooks said “it’s good to be da king”.

What history and psychology tells us

First, the longer they are in power.  The more difficult they are to remove.  Thus the first step to a successful revolution deals with getting out of learned hopelessness.  The next steps, deals with creating an organization.  The French underground in World War Two did this well.  They watched and waited – they observed and organized.  What they observed were the minions.  The minions are what keep an authoritarian in power.  Minions are servile dependent, followers of the strong man leader.  Take out the minions, the dark triad person has no power as E. Jean Carol said about Trump in court.

Examples of Minions

Example #1 – These are the Russian police.  They are Putin’s minions!

What is authoritarianism – this is what it looks like they will beat you up sexually abuse you and torture the citizens.

Example #2 – Mr Piggy’s Minions being arrested and booked by the police in Atlanta Georgia.  This was how power was lost!

What is authoritarianism looks like for Mr Piggy. This is his minion! He is now a powerless toady.

Therefore these two lawyers who are now so screwed.  They have turned against Mr Piggy.

Mr Piggy is going to say bye $$$$$$$

Step Two – Get rid of the minions

This critical step, takes the power from the dark triad authoritarian.  Mr Piggy’s minions were lawyers.  They lost their power in court.  Thus in Russia the minions are the brutal police and those who support Putin.  In France the underground took out those who supported the Germans.  During the American revolution, the English army and supporters of the king were taken out.  The English army were the minions of the English government.


In Summary, it sounds simple.  The reality of revolution becomes difficult in practice.  Finally, Mr Piggy’s loss of power is his love of money.  We are counting down the days till he has to pay up.  In Russia, well we are waiting to see what happens to their Mr Piggy!

Post Script

Several biblical scholars are stating that Mr Piggy maybe the anti-Christ.  By appearances he and every other dark triad authoritarian actual meet that standard.  The Christian bible can be looked at as guide for identifying authoritarians types as a warning.  In the the 1990’s, psychologists went down this dark hole to identify very bad people.  They quantified what makes and authoritarian and dark triad person.  You beat authoritarians by education!  Rermember they are into humiliation and looking over their shoulder at other would be strongmen.  They do not see the average person other than as a tool to manipulate with their hall of mirrors lies.

I like to dedicate some of my posts.  This post depended on the work of Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Benno Gerrit Wissing and Marc-André Reinhard.   Thank you for your work!

By James