When you see good art
When you see good art you just want to share it. Found this today. This water color is by Birgit O’Connor Starflower (watercolor on paper, 15×22). As I read the article this was in, the artist stated “I noticed it was often difficult for students to make large enough puddles of color blends to keep color consistency in their compositions. I realized the best way to help them was to teach them how to harmonize and unify large areas, which in turn impacted my own creative process”. When I teach students, I often learn more about how to correct my own technique!

So the real theme of this post is….
Sometimes, when we teach we also learn. I feel this is the importance of having good mentors to help us after we take classes. Additionally, by seeing we learn and increase our knowledge and wisdom. Sadly, many people cut themselves off from further learning as they age. As I write these posts daily, I learn more and reinforce my skill development. As an athlete in my youth, I also found enjoyment in the learning process. In my old age, I keep learning.
I value the time I spent with my mentors
In my life I have had several great mentors. One was my father “Big Tom”. The others I had were David Martin and Shona Bellew. Here is a picture of Shona. I learned a great deal about the care of the human body from her. She was an expert on so many skills I still use today. Thank you Shona! Sadly she has left us. She was into doing art also. She created really cool design drawings. These helped her relax. One of her mentors was Bertram Russell. She told me about the time she spent with him. She stated he had a major influence on her life.

So as you see we all had mentors. So there are hidden mentor lines we don’t know about. One of my lines follows this: Bertram -> Shona -> James. So as I pondered my ancestry, therefore I needed to research those who influenced my mentors not just my ancestors on genealogy charts. This concept needs to be kept in our thoughts. Who are our mentor’s ancestors and how do they shape our lives. So I guess I will spend some time reading Bertram Russell’s works. Bertram was influenced by the art of words.
More Art to share