Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Who are we?

This is the question – Who are We?  We have wars going on and nutter authoritarian rulers and want to be authoritarian rulers running around our planet.   They shout all sorts of crazy talk on what I call fake issues.  From their mouths comes a fountain of verbal garbage.  They don’t talk about what the real issues we have on this planet are.  Remember, we are all one. This planet is our home! We need to take care of it.

What are the real issues we face

Well gentile readers this is my opinion.  Where the hell is your food coming from?  We go to the grocery store(s) and buy food.  Once maybe several times a week.  Where is our food coming from?  As I was growing up in Decatur, I would go with my mother to the local farmers market. She would buy cow poo from a local farmer and use it around our plants in the yard and our garden.  All my grandmothers had gardens with herbs and vegetables.  The food tasted very good.

And Now!

Let’s take bell peppers.  A green pepper may become yellow, orange, or red, depending on its varietal. The longer the pepper stays on the vine, the sweeter it becomes and the more nutritional value it has. Since they were not fully ripe when picked, green peppers are less nutritious than peppers that have matured to another color.  Now where are they coming from?

Production from (AGMRC)

The majority of bell peppers produced in the United States are still grown in the field using drip irrigation and commercial fetilizers. In addition to field-grown peppers, smaller volumes of domestically-produced, greenhouse-grown bell peppers are also available throughout the year. A typical field of fresh-market peppers is harvested by hand every week or so over the course of about four to six weeks.

Most of the crop is sold as mature green peppers, but growers receive a premium for a limited amount of other colors. The premium reflects the fact that bright-colored bell peppers (red, yellow, orange, purple, brown and black) are more costly to produce (field losses are higher and yields are lower) than those harvested at the green stage.

Last year, I was able to harvest my organic bell peppers from late May till the first freeze in late October.

But – Where are they from?

Some come from several states like Florida and California but we get tons of bell pepper from Spain, Mexico and Africa. then the question becomes how are they grown.  We are now getting headlines like this, “E. coli from factory farms threatens America’s leafy greens”.  This article was written on website.

“A single enormous cattle feeding operation potentially threatens the safety of thousands of acres of leafy greens grown in the U.S. during the colder months, an EWG analysis shows.   Irrigation water or dust contaminated with fecal matter from this giant feedlot, located in Yuma County, Ariz., could contaminate many acres of lettuce fields within 3 miles of the cattle farm, which produces 115,000 cows each year.”

Cow feed lot - next to veggie farms in Yuma, Az Who are we?
Cow feed lot – next to farms!

You can bet your bippy, they are using “Round Up” on these farms also!  I am currently writing an article on  glyphosate causing cancer.

Your daily food!

Last time I checked all humans need daily food.  Yuma County, Ariz is in a dessert and needs irrigation water!  Right now Americans face very high food costs.  We need to focus on real issues.  The real issue is our daily food.  In future posts, I will be going into cheap biodynamic methods of producing good healthy safe food.  Not using roundup which has a half life in the soil of 175 days.  Our need to build a balanced environment, developing soil Microbes, growing our own food.  Super biodynamics is about using our waste to improve our soil and environment.  Lastly, we want to improve our health.

The future – can we make a better future?

In summary, Yes, we can make a better safer future.  We don’t need to listen to Mr Piggy and his followers. Consequently authoritarian types want to spread fear and make you pay dearly for everything.  This is a way authoritarian rulers control their followers minds.  Be free!  Save our planet and your health.   So who are we?  Do you want to be part of the solution, the problem or part of the landscape?   Comparatively, as for me, this year I want to be part of the solution!  I will be helping many people this year to eat healthy organically biodynamic food that taste great!  That is now in my 12 week year plans.

By James