Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Why Trump’s Iowa victory is meaningless

This post is about the Iowa 2024 caucus results.  It is a demographic analysis of the results.  We will compare it with the 2020 general election results.  We will show that the results are not all that great.  we will show why Trump’s Iowa victory is meaningless other than winning 20 delegates.

Why are the results poor?

In the 2020 general election trump won with 897,672 votes.  He won the the Iowa 2024 caucus with 56,260 votes.  However, that 6.27% of the votes from 2020!  The 2024 caucus had a total of 110,298 total votes.  That represents just 12.29% of the 2020 general election republican votes.

The demographic take away

Mr. Trump gained ground but most of all in areas with lower average incomes and fewer college graduates.  He did best in the rural areas.  He did the poorest in cities and suburban areas.  Two important demographic polls show those who voted for him were 99% white.  He got the lowest support in the 17-29 age (9%) of voters with 12% votes for him.  This will most likely be critical in the general election in November.

The reason I am posting this

I am not a Trump fan.  I have friends who need talking points with those who have not made a decision.  He is a criminal with 91 felony charges against him.  I consider that pretty bad.  In Georgia where I live these are the charges.

Trump’s Criminal indictments in Georgia




























Thus I consider Trump’s Iowa victory meaningless

He is going to be in court most of this year.  Trump uses delay tactics to slow up our court systems.  He then in the past settles out of court like on his rape charges.  He does not pay his debts, and has in the past used lawyers to delay and run up the other persons legal bills.  Right now he is loosing money and court cases at a record pace.   Being guilty, will have a very negative effect later in the year!


To sum up the Iowa caucus.  Only 12.29% of the voters came out.  He only took 6.27% of his 2020 votes on January 15, 2024. The weather was very bad.  That means many people chose not to vote and stay safe.  Staying safe is logical in bad cold weather.   Most likely only his supporters came out for the most part.  So the victory is meaningless.

Please note – I do not like commenting on politics.  This post is just for some of my friends so they get a feel for what is going on.  Thanks!








By James

One thought on “Why Trump’s Iowa victory is meaningless”
  1. Other folks have realized this was not a victory also. Now the funny thing, the last few Iowa winners have not been winners nor elected to be president.

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